Miva Merchant allows you to perform these types of data export for external processing or storage:
Export batched orders to QuickBooks® format.
Export Customer records to a text file.
Export customer batched order information to a text file.
Export affiliate data to a text file.
(in 4.13) Export product data to a flat file (Miva Merchant Import, and Miva Merchant provisioning formats).
The file is placed in the htsdata or mivadata folder for your retrieval. Using an 'FTP client,' transfer the orders.dat file onto your local computer.
A Closer Look - The fields of the 'exported order batch' are shown below. The ORDER_ID is the order number. 'PROCESSED' is represented by a '0' or a '1' and denotes whether or not the order has been processed as explained previously in this section. '1' equates to "yes."
Use the following procedure to export data to external files.
Click the triangle next to Stores.
Click the triangle next to the store's name.
Click the triangle next to Utilities.
Export Products to Flat File (new in 4.13)
Click the triangle next to Export Data.
Note: The data directory, data/Merchant2/[Your Store Number]/export, mentioned in the following procedures, is the directory for your exported file(s), which might be called mivadata, htsdata, or data. If you can not find it, check with your Internet Host Provider. |
Export product data in a format for Importing Product data (back) into Miva Merchant, into MIVA Ad Center (formerly Marketplace) and also in Miva Merchant provisioning format (provisioning is used by Web Hosts.)
Perhaps, you have made changes to the product fields within Miva Merchant Administration Interface and you want to replace your old spreadsheet or database file with updated product data. Or, maybe you do not currently have your products in a separate file, but would like to do so. You might want to export product fields to edit them, then import the edited data back into Miva Merchant using the Import Products From Flat File function.
Export Products to Flat File (except the MIVA Ad Center (formerly Marketplace) Mass-Listing Wizard export file format) exports these core product fields, delimited by tabs (for Import Products from Flat File) or pipes (for Miva Merchant Provisioning):
product code, product name, price, cost, weight, description, if taxable, if active, thumbnail path, full image path.
If you select Include Category List setting, the file will also export the category code(s), delimited by commas, to which the products are assigned.
The MIVA Marketplace (now Ad Center) Mass-Listing Wizard format exports the product code and delimiters that identify placeholders for the MIVA Marketplace Ad Center) data that you will enter.
When you click the Export Products to Flat File link, the following form displays.
Note: If you have a large number of products and are exporting all of them, you should |
Export Products to File: Accept the default name or edit the current one.
Keep the same name if you want to append to the previous file, or if you want to replace the previous file. Be sure to select the applicable option next to “If File Exists.”
Products to Export: By default, data for all products in your store will be exported. If you want to export the data in a series of files, enter the beginning and ending number of products.
Category Settings:
- Export Only Products in Category: enter the category code or click the Lookup button to locate the category code.
Only the data of those products assigned to the entered category will be exported, and not the category code. The exported file contains a placeholder for category codes, which you can edit in a spreadsheet or database to add new category code(s). Then, when you import product data from the flat file, these products will be assigned to the new category or categories, while also retaining the original category assignment.
- Include Category List: click this option if you want the category code(s) to which the products are assigned included in the file, separated by commas (comma delimited).
- Ignore Categories: click this option if you do not want category code(s) included in the file. Choose this option for MIVA Ad Center (formerly Marketplace) export.
Export File Format: The format you select depends on how you will be using the data.
- Import Products From Flat File: click this option if you will be importing the data back into Miva Merchant or want tab delimited product data.
- MIVA Ad Center (formerly Marketplace) Mass-Listing Wizard: click this option if you will be listing your products with MIVA Ad Center (formerly Marketplace).
- Miva Merchant Provisioning: click this option if you will be setting up Miva Merchant Provisioning.
If File Exists:
- Append to File: click this option if you want to add to the end of an existing file. Be sure the file name is correct and the file exists. You could choose this if you also chose a limited number in the Products to Export option.
- Replace File: click this option if you want to overwrite the previous file.
Export Field Names As Header: If you want the first row of data to include the name of the product fields, select Yes.
The file is saved in the export directory, under your store number directory. The path would look like the following:
Perform the steps listed under Export Selections, noting that you might want to select Yes for “Export Field Names As Header,” since much of the file will look blank, being tab delimited.
Enter the data into the applicable fields.
Use the MIVA Ad Center (formerly Marketplace) Mass-Listing Wizard to upload the file. See the publication MIVA Ad Center (formerly Marketplace) User Guide for additional information, including correlating this exported file and the MIVA Ad Center (formerly Marketplace) categories Listing.
When you click the QuickBooks Export link the following form displays.
The tabs for this form are described below.
The File tab allows you to define the file name and the manner the data is written to the file.
Export to File - Enter the file name that the batched order data is to be written to.
If File Exists - Click the radio button for Append To File or Replace File.
This tab allows you to define if customer data is exported, and if so what customer data is transferred. This is exported in QuickBooks format.
The Export Customers check box must be checked for customer data to be exported.
If there are no customers in the store, the Export Customers button is unchecked by default.
Click all fields that you want to export.
Click Update.
This tab allows you to define the batched orders to be exported in QuickBooks format.
The Export Orders check box must be checked for order data to be exported.
If there are no orders in the store, the Export Orders button is unchecked by default.
Click the drop down list and select a batches to be exported.
Click Export.
A notice is displayed telling what was successfully exported.
The file is located in the data/Merchant2/(store number)/export directory on your domain. Therefore, for your first store, the file is saved to data/Merchant2/00000001/ export/quickbatch.iif. If you have a problem finding the directory, contact your Web Host and ask where the data directory is located.
Note: The file is created for QuickBooks Version 7.0D Release R3. |
When you click on the Export Customers to Flat File link, the following form is displayed.
Export Customer to File - Enter the name of the file that is to hold the data. customers.dat is the default name.
Export - Click each check box for the data fields you want to export.
Delimiter - Choose one of the radio buttons you want as your delimiter. To use a delimiter other than a tab, select the Other radio button and enter the delimiter you want used (e.g. “|”)
If File Exists - When the file exists you must define how the new data is to be written to the file.
Append To File - Appends the new data to the end of the existing data in the file.
Replace File - Replaces the existing data with the new data. All existing data is lost.
Click Export
The file is located in the data/Merchant2/(store number)/export directory on your domain. Therefore, for your first store, the file is saved to data/Merchant2/00000001/ export/customers.dat. If you have a problem finding the directory, contact your Web Host and ask where the data directory is located.
Batched orders can be exported to a text file, with a name and delimiter you choose. You can also choose if you want the current batched orders to append to or replace the existing file (if you previously exported orders). By default, the fields are separated (delimited) with a tab, however you can choose a different delimiter.
The exported order data does not include any payment information. The exported fields from the batched orders are:
When you click the Export Orders To Flat File link, the following form is displayed.
Batch to Export
From the drop-down menu, select the batch to export.
Export Orders to File
Enter the name of the file to which you want the data exported. orders.dat is the default.
Choose one of the radio buttons you want as your delimiter. To use a delimiter other than a tab, select the Other radio button and enter the delimiter you want used (e.g. “|”)
If File Exists - When the file exists you must define how the new data is to be written to the file:
Append To File - Appends the new data to the end of the existing data in the file.
Replace File - Replaces the existing data with the new data. All existing data is lost.
Click Export.
The file is located in the data/Merchant2/(store number)/export directory on your domain. Therefore, for your first store, the file is saved to data/Merchant2/00000001/ export/orders.dat. If you have a problem finding the directory, contact your Web Host and ask where the data directory is located.
When you select the Export Affiliates To Flat File link, the following form is displayed.
Export Affiliates to File - Enter the name of the file that is to hold the data. affiliates.dat is the default name.
Delimiter - Tab is selected as the default delimiter (separator). To use a delimiter other than a tab, select the Other radio button and enter the delimiter you want to use. (e.g. “|”)
If File Exists - When the file already exists you must define how the new data is to be written:
Append To File - Appends the new data to the end of the existing data in the file.
Replace File - Replaces the existing data with the new data. All existing data is lost.
Data to Export - Check each box for the type of data fields that are to be exported. Select the specific data to be exported under each of the corresponding tabs.
- Affiliates
- Affiliate Earnings
- Affiliate Payouts
Click Export - The file is located in the data/Merchant2/(store number)/export directory on your domain. Therefore, for your first store, the file is saved to data/Merchant2/00000001/export/customers.dat. If you have a problem finding the directory, contact your Web Host and ask where your Miva Merchant data directory is located.
When you select the Affiliates tab, the following form is displayed:
The Affiliate Tab includes the affiliates information, such as Contact Name and address, and commission information, for example:
Pass. Recovery Email: is the Lost Password Email from Edit Affiliate–Identification tab
Status: is the Application Status from Edit Affiliate–Identification tab.
Hits: is the Commission Per Referral from Edit Affiliate–Commission tab.
Percent: is the Commission Percent of Order from Edit Affiliate–Commission tab.
Flat: is the Commission Flat Fee per Order from Edit Affiliate–Commission tab.
To export this data:
Check the boxes next to the data you want to export.
Click one of the other tabs to continue selecting data to export, or click Export.
When you select the Affiliates tab, the following form is displayed:
The Earnings tab includes the information from Edit Affiliate–Earnings tab.
To export this data:
Check the boxes next to the data you want to export.
Click one of the other tabs to continue selecting data to export, or click Export.
When you select the Payouts tab, the following form is displayed:
The Payouts tab includes the information from Edit Affiliate–Payouts tab.
To export this data:
Check the boxes next to the data you want to export.
Click one of the other tabs to continue selecting data to export, or click Export.